@controller annotation vs @restcontroller

@Controller vs @RestController in Spring MVC framework

Spring Boot - @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Configuration, @Bean, @Controller, @RestController

@RestController Vs @Controller. Difference between @RestController and @Controller In Spring Boot

@RestController Vs @Controller. Difference between @RestController and @Controller In Spring Boot

Question No. 1:What is the difference between @Controller and @RestController Annotation #springboot

Spring Annotations Part - 4 | @RestController Annotation | @Controller vs @RestController

Difference Between @Controller and @RestController annotation | Important Spring Interview question

Difference between Component Service Repository Controller & RestController annotation | Code Decode

Difference between @RestController @Controller annotation? and @RequestBody and @ResponseBody

Spring MVC Annotation | Controller, Configuration, RequestMapping, ComponentScan

Springboot @Controller | @RestController | @ResponseBody | @ResponseEntity | rest api | okay java

Spring & Spring Boot Annotations Series - #12 - @RestController Annotation

Spring boot Annotations (Controller Layer) | Controller, RestController, RequestMapping etc.

Spring Boot - ControllerAdvice, RestControllerAdvice, ResponseBody | Simple Programming

Difference between @Controller and @RestController annotation in Spring MVC. | javapedia.net

Spring @RestController Annotation Examples

Difference Between @Restcontroller and @Controller (hindi)

@RepositoryRestResource vs @RestController (Learn to Code Smart!)

13 Using RestController, Service and Repository

What is the use of @Controller annotation

Spring @RestController annotation with Example

Java :Difference between spring @Controller and @RestController annotation(5solution)

Can we create a controller without using @Controller or @RestController annotations?

@component vs @service in Spring Boot